Juniors take ACT for free
State-offered testing provides opportunity for many juniors
Rows of tables await juniors in the west gym the morning of April 2. Juniors spent the morning taking the ACT while other students attended classes. The original plan had been for underclassmen to complete pre-ACT prep during the test date, but those plans changed after the initial test date was canceled because of bad weather.
May 1, 2019
Juniors are ecstatic that the ACT is over and done with. The ACT was rescheduled for April 2 after the initial test date was canceled because of bad weather.
“I was a bit nervous,” junior Savana Hook said. “[I’m] glad it’s over with.”
This marked the first year that Kansas offered a free ACT test for all juniors across the state.
“I think that’s awesome,” junior Ben Hoopes said. “I feel like we needed to have that in Kansas for a long time and for people that don’t have the money to take the test, it’s a great boost for them.”
The ACT is the primary college entrance exam used by midwest universities, and students are able to take it multiple times in order to raise their scores.
“It’s great,” junior Emily Truong. “I wish I could take it for free all the time.”
One of the struggles juniors faced when it came to the ACT was the time crunch. The test takers were given various times to complete each part of the test. Due to this, some people felt they had to rush to answer questions.
“I found myself answering a bunch of questions but leaving like 20 or something that I had to guess on,” Hoopes said.
Students said taking the ACT during the school day was beneficial.
“I think more people showed up [because it was on a school day],” Hook said. “I’m glad I got to take it.”