Assassins take to the halls of Lawrence High School

By Kira Auchenbach

Select seniors have to watch their back as they do their everyday routine. They’re being hunted in a game called Assassins, and if they’re shot with a water gun they’re out.

“The whole game is based on secrecy,” senior Matt Jacobsen said. “So the only thing that each individual person knows is that what we tweet out what their next assignment is that’s all they know.”

The goal of assassins is to “kill” your target or assignment until either you’re dead or you win. First place gets $150, second gets $50 and third gets $25. Seniors don’t know who is targeting them, and must hunt and search to assassinate their targets.

“That’s part of the fun of the game is that you really have to search and talk to their friends and really do your homework on the person, find out where they work, where they live so you can map out a hunting ground for them,” Jacobsen said.

There are three safe zones where seniors can not be killed: LHS, including parking lots and sports fields; the inside of the target’s house; and the target’s workplace.

“I’m a very competitive person so if I set my mind to something like winning this I’m going to try my hardest,” senior Elaine Harris said.