Freshmen face first finals challenge

By Ali Pennewell, 21st Century Journalism

When it comes time for finals, both students and teachers have reasons to be anxious.

Students are staying up late to study, while teachers are coming in early and staying late to get ready and to help prepare their students for finals.

For freshmen it is nerve racking as they face the first time that a test that could potentially drop them a whole letter grade. For students who are taking language classes, it is especially hard.  

“The final that I find that is going to be the hardest is Spanish because it is an oral exam and so you don’t know what questions are being asked or how you have to answer them so you have to memorize it all,” freshman Alice Hull said.

Teachers have to make tests and ensure their students will be able to finish it in the time given. Teacher Susie Micka hopes her students find that the skills they use in class will help them on the test.

“The tips that I have for most kids are that you do what you know first; don’t be afraid to make up the test, highlight, underline, make sure that you understand the question being asked; and when it says tell me why, actually tell why because if you don’t then it can potentially lose you points,” she said.

Knowing how to study can be confusing.

“I haven’t started studying yet for finals,” freshman Abby Tyler said a week before finals.  “For me, I try to study, but it is hard sometimes. I try to make a study guide with my notes, but most the time I just use Quizlet.”