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The School Newspaper of Lawrence High School.

The Budget

The School Newspaper of Lawrence High School.

The Budget

The School Newspaper of Lawrence High School.

The Budget

Ken Bigham

Ken Bigham, Reporter

My name is Kennedy, or Ken, as I’ve gone by since 7th grade. I’m a junior. In school, I’m a member of writer’s club, film club, and Graffiti Magazine. In my free time, I’m an author, and I play a lot of Sims. This year, I’m trying to get a job. I’m attempting to apply for Spirit Halloween at the moment. I’d also like to pass all of my classes and not be so stressed out all the time. Contact me at

All content by Ken Bigham
unior Tessa Norcross stands in the telephone booth at Abe and Jakes Landing. This year, the Winter Formal dance is set to take place at Abe and Jakes Landing. “It was cool,” Tessa said.

New venue picked up for winter formal

By Ken Bigham, Staff Writer
February 7, 2019
During a robotics meeting on Oct. 18, sophomore Nicholas Dvorske works on a robot with a mentor. Both LHS and Free State students are part of the club, which meets at the College and Career Center. “My favorite part of the club is learning how to work with the robots and figuring out how different parts fit together,” Dvorkse said.

Robotics team receives grant

By Ken Bigham, Staff Writer
November 16, 2018
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