Serving you mud
On Sunday, Lawrence High’s annual Mud Volleyball tournament is going on its 35th year with its leading sponsor Joe Huntsinger.
Carter Lynch takes a dive for Mud Volleyball at the 2018 tournament.
May 3, 2019
Mud Volleyball has been a part of Joe Hustingers life for 33 years and has been a part of LHS nearly as long.
In its 35th year, Mud Volleyball remains a much anticipated May activity open to all students.
“Love watching kids during a very stressful time of the year regress back to 8-year-olds playing in mud without a care in the world,” Huntsinger said. “ Love the sound of Mud Volleyball. Shrieks and giggling.”
Most incoming freshman don’t have a clue as to what the Vud Volleyball tournament is, while others have heard about it.
“I found out from my siblings,” freshman Olivia Shoepf said. “They played years before.”
Mud Volleyball is a favorite way to end the school year for many students, coming just before the start of AP testing. Junior Jessica Vassar has played in the tournament for three years.
“I would totally recommend it,” Vassar said. “It’s a time you get down and dirty and just have fun with friends.”
Some think the Mud Volleyball tournament is something to be taken seriously or that you have to be good at volleyball in order to participate. Neither are true.
“Some teams are in it just for fun, but others are out for blood,” Huntsinger said. “We do have officials and use rally scoring, but it’s one game to 21 or 30 minutes…whichever comes first.”
While some students would agree on taking it a little more seriously, others stay for fun or both.
“It’s more fun times with friends,” Vassar said. “But when we get down to the finals it gets intense.”
Since the Mud Volleyball tournament is from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., food is provided to participants.
“Menu has been the same for 30 dogs, chips, cookies,” Huntsinger said. “[You] receive a number at check-in that allows them to get food from clean parents at the food tent.”
The entry fee to participate in Mud Volleyball is $5, which covers expenses for the 48 to 64 teams that participate each year.
“STUCO doesn’t make a penny on the tournament,” Huntsinger said. “We spend all of the money on food and T-shirts for volunteers, secretaries and custodians at LHS.”