Students recount their Pokémon go experiences

Nostalgia evoked this summer by the popular iPhone/Android app

By Connor Schmaus, Staff Writer

This summer, Pokémon GO was draining students’ phone batteries as they trekked up and down Mass Street and other densely populated sections of town.

Developed by software company Niantic, Pokémon GO brings the whimsical world of Pokémon to life, attracting old fans and newcomers alike. With more than 100 million downloads, the game is the most downloaded application in history, with more than twice as many downloads as Facebook.

Students were no strangers to this, as the app took the United States by storm. After 20 years of games, the goal remained the same: You gotta catch ‘em all.

Students explained how they nabbed their best Pokémon while playing the game.



Gracynn Scott, junior

Best Pokemon



“Valor, but I wish I was Instinct.”

Memorable experience

“I scared a kid when I yelled, ‘Gotta catch ‘em all!’ He almost fell off his bike.”


Izzy Christiansen, junior

Best Pokemon




Memorable experience

“My parents and I caught Snorlaxes at the exact same time on Mass Street.”



Samuel Greene, junior

Best Pokemon

“Pidgey. I didn’t play the game for very long.”


“I didn’t get far enough to be on a team, but I would be on Mystic.”

Memorable experience

“I was ‘jumped’ by a bunch of Slowbros. It was really quite terrifying.”



Jade Zimmerli, senior

Best Pokemon




Memorable experience

“I witnessed an actual fight at Holcom. People were literally fighting over a gym.”


Elliot Bradley, freshman

Best Pokemon




Memorable experience

“Well, catching this Pikachu. It kind of surprised me because I was just walking downtown with my friends.”


Akia Miles, sophomore

Best Pokemon




Memorable experience

“I think it’s cool how it’s gotten me and everyone else to actually walk around and meet people.”