Thriller, romance, horror, animation, comedy, action, drama, adventure, sci-fi, I hate over-hyped movies that end up being a let down; The trailer was every other commercial, updates on the movie suffocated your news feed, you dodge spoilers left and right, it was all anyone could talk about. Then, you finally have the chance to watch it and it’s nothing special. No one likes wasting their money on a movie that they thought would be good, but wasn’t.
Here on Film Critic I review movies of all varieties and genres. I will suffer through the bad (so you don’t have to) and relish in the good (so you don’t waste your money). Not even the most hyped up movies will be safe. One time out of the month I will also include a classic film review.
You can rely on me to give you a review complete with my entire honesty and opinions. I will include spoilers and spoiler free reviews. Just dim the lights, sit back, put your feet up and let me do all the work. Make sure to add your opinions in the comments section and include your movie review requests too!