Flocking for funds: Spirit Squad gets creative with new fundraiser
Precariously placing a plastic flamingo, junior and pom squad member Addisyn Hoss engages in a new method of fundraising called “flocking.” “It’s kind of like being bad but good at the same time,” Hoss said. “We’re sneaking into people’s yards at 9:00 at night but it’s for a fundraiser and it’s all pretty cool.” Photo by Maison Flory.
October 18, 2022
The LHS Spirit Squad is raising money using a unique idea involving small plastic flamingos. The fundraiser involves placing the flamingos in yards, and leaving a flier with information about the “flocking” on it. The person who got “flocked” is then supposed to contact the Spirit Squad and pay $10 to have them removed.
If they don’t want to pay the $10, the Spirit Squad will just come remove the flamingos free of charge. There is also an option to pay $20 for the removal of flamingos, which will then be sent to a chosen address.
The idea for this fundraiser was suggested by Andy Anderson, mom of Taylor Anderson who is on the Pom Team.
“She just saw that another team did it and thought that it was pretty cool,” junior Bailey Contreras said, referring to Andy’s idea.
The first time that the Spirit Squad “flocked” a couple of houses, they were nervous. The houses had lights on inside, dogs barking, Ring doorbells, and neighbors walking by outside. If any neighbors or whoever lived at the house caught them they would leave the house “unflocked.”
“Just a little nerve wracking, but really exciting,” Contreras said.
This fundraiser has helped raise a lot of money for the Spirit Squad. They have raised roughly $1000 in about three weeks.
Junior Charlee Burghart is hopeful that the fundraiser will be more fruitful than they expect.
“I think a lot of people will see it and think it’s really fun, and donate a lot more than they need to.” Burghart said.