LHS students hit hard by parking tickets
Pandemic era relaxation in parking policy is over
The parking policy strikes again.
October 27, 2022
As LHS returns to a sense of normalcy after years of construction and pandemic, the parking policy has become a source of confusion and frustration for many. Since the beginning of the school year, nearly 40 tickets have been handed out to students.
One of these students, junior Andrew Goates, was caught by surprise when he got ticketed after procuring a parking pass, which he forgot to put on his vehicle.
“I think we could’ve been given a little bit more notice before they gave out the ticket, but at the end of the day I do understand why they give out the tickets,” Goates said. “They need the money from the permits to pay for the parking lot and stuff.”
According to bookkeeper Amy Flohrschutz, most of these infractions have something to do with an absent parking pass, which can be acquired for a small fee of $10 at the LHS financial office. A valid driver’s license, insurance, and registration are also necessary parts of this transaction.
“When you go to college or you go to a workplace, you’ll have to park in certain places,” Flohrschutz said. “Just part of growing up and being responsible.”
Senior Katie Hurd has a similar point of view towards the LHS parking policy.
“Don’t procrastinate things that need to get done, especially when it’s about something serious like money.” Hurd said.