Coronavirus cancels school play, “The Witches”


Sophia Kaufman

Acting with passion, junior Connor Cooper gives an Oscar-winning performance as “Mason” during the school’s winter play, “John Proctor is the Villian.” “I was Mason, basically a high school jock,” Cooper said. “He goes to Feminist Club and he’s learning about new issues and, you know, getting better.” The play would turn out to be the last performance of the year after the coronavirus pandemic forced schools to close.

By Addie London, Reporter

With the closing of schools statewide, LHS play “The Witches” was stuck hanging in the balance. 

“The Witches” has been canceled for the 2020 school year but may be put into the curriculum for next year. 

“In regards to the play, all events are canceled and we haven’t worked out a better option yet,” theater teacher Craig Fisher said. “We will probably try to incorporate it into next year somehow, but who knows as we already have next year pretty well planned out.” 

The roles had been cast and the cast had started rehearsing on Feb. 12. “The Witches” had been well-received by the cast, as they were starting to love it and all of its special effects.

 “It’s incredibly sad that the play got canceled. It was starting to come together and it was a lot of fun rehearsing with all of the cast,” junior Connor Cooper said. “So it sucks that it got canceled just like that.”

This was not the first time during the year that the theater department had to change course. In the fall semester they had to switch plays due to copyright issues. However, they still got to perform a different play: “Clue.” 

“It’s just been a rough year for the theater department, but we’ve gotten through obstacles together,” sophomore Kate O’Keefe said. “It’s just so sad that this is how Mr. Fisher’s first year at LHS had to end.”

“The Witches” would have been a memorable time, and it may still be for future students. But for now, it is another thing that COVID-19 has taken.

“I was really excited about this play. It was really ambitious with its technical and special effects and it was going to be very impressive,” senior Liam Sheeley said. “It was also my last play at LHS so I’m very sad that I didn’t get a chance to experience the performances.”