Building plans
After 2017 bond vote, the question remains: ‘Can we build it?’ Yes, we can!
February 20, 2018
Following the renovation of a new main entrance, Lawrence High has once again taken on a large-scale construction project. Over winter break, one classroom from each core department received remodeling to test ideas for the upcoming bond remodeling.
Each class was fitted to a set of guidelines determined by a committee of staff, architects and administrators. While the foundation of the classes remained the same, new furniture, layouts and technology was added to fit the district’s new approach of a student-centered classroom. Assistant Principal Mike Norris is part of the committee along with Principal Matt Brungardt.
“The goal really is to create student-centered environments,” Norris said. “Technology is part of that.”
The other goal of the refurnishing is to unify classes within a department, allowing for a more departmentalized approach to the layout of the school. Students are optimistic that this organization will help them and other students feel more comfortable in unfamiliar rooms.
“[Students] might be able to learn in the future in like a different teacher’s class because of familiar surroundings,” junior Emily Haynes said.

Solving the equation — Junior Adelai Spears uses the new smart board in math teacher Greg Farley’s classroom. The new update comes as a sneak peak to what all the classrooms at Lawrence High will look like after the school renovation.
The implementation is not without problems. Installation of some new technology has come more slowly than originally expected, to the inconvenience of the teachers.
“It’s not finished correctly,” science teacher Penny Kramer said. “There’s still some pretty big problems.”
However, some aspects have worked well, enhancing the abilities of the classroom.
“The new projector is fantastic,” Kramer said. “It gives me an 80-inch screen for showing videos or assignments, and that’s just wonderful.”
The committee aims to take input from these teachers as they finalize plans for furnishing the departments. The process will be very gradual and no major changes will occur until the 2018-2019 school year. Similar to the construction in the elementary schools, teachers may have to double-up on rooms or relocate to temporary add-ons.
“You only have so much space and can only fit so many in there,” Norris said. “That’s where some of the additions come in.”
Overall, students and staff are anxious for the upcoming changes, and the pilot program has given them a glimpse of some fixes to the outdated facilities of Lawrence High.
“They really cleaned it up,” sophomore Colton Khatib said. “[The classes] used to look old and dirty, but now they’re clean.”