Students attend Black Lives Matter vigil

By Meredith Chapple and Ian Jones

After the recent murders of two black men and five police officers last week, tensions have been on the rise for many people around the country.
That’s why last night at South Park, a vigil was attended by hundreds, set up by the Black Lives Matter movement of Lawrence. The event was intended to spread support and offer a safe place for Lawrence residents, especially people of color.


Many LHS students attended, including junior Jazmyne McNair, who spoke at the open mic in front of the crowd that attended. McNair said she chose to speak because she wanted to speak out for children of color who are not treated equal to their peers in school.


“Our kids of color are growing up in environments where they are not pushed to success because no one will believe in them, and if they were that would prevent more people of color from turning to crime in the first place,” McNair said. “It is the job of the educators in this country to pay attention to all of their students.”



As the sun set, candles were lit as people in the park listened to various speakers talk, express concerns and sing. McNair said it is important for students like her to attend and be aware of events like this because it helps people know what is happening in their town.


“If you go to vigils, you learn more not just about the problem, but how it’s making the community feel,” McNair said.