Adding to the harmony
New faculty assists choir and orchestra programs, popular with students
Accompanying a choral piece, Randall Frye assists in his first major concert at LHS.
November 12, 2014
With the choir and orchestra programs growing, additional directors and conductors were a must.
This fall, Andrew Shaw became the assistant orchestra director and Randall Frye began as the assistant choir conductor. Both had half of a semester of teaching under their batons as they prepared for the annual music program Gala, which featured all music classes and about 600 students during performances last week.
Although new to LHS, both faculty members had experience and training in music education.
Shaw graduated from the University of Kansas and directed the KU Youth Chorus, Cordley Choir, West Middle School orchestra and Lawrence Youth Symphony. He said he is excited to have the chance to work with LHS students.
“The biggest benefit I see is having the opportunity of working with wide variety of personality and talent,” Shaw said.
Shaw sees his time at LHS as an opportunity to further educate and connect with students, was well
as help him gain experience as he works toward his goal of becoming a director of an orchestra department.
“I expect to gain the knowledge and skills required to be a successful director of an orchestra department and to learn from the many esteemed colleagues that I have around me,” Shaw said.
Frye attended Indiana University of Pennsylvania for his undergraduate degree in music education and pursued a master of music degree from Kansas State University.
“My future plans include pursuing a doctorate and teaching at a major university, or becoming an accompanist for musicals and operas across the nation,” Frye said.
Frye and Shaw have heralded praise from students and faculty alike.
Frye conducts and helps accompany the choir ensembles. He has been popular among many of the students.
“Mr. Frye is extremely skilled on the piano and in conducting,” senior A Capella member Jared Fangman said. “He is great to work with.”
Shaw helps to direct the concert orchestra, philharmonic orchestra and freshman orchestra, which is the largest in the state.
“I love watching him work with the kids. He brings so much energy,” orchestra director Rachel Dirks said “He is such a hard worker.”
Shaw has quickly embraced his job. Beyond the music department, he sponsors the new and popular Ping Pong Club.
“It is a great way for me to get to know more of the great students at LHS,” Shaw said “Ping Pong Club is so great because we have a wide range of students involved from athletics, debate, music and more. Ping Pong Club is a perfect way to end Thursdays.”
Both teachers had a big impact at Gala. Shaw conducted the freshmen orchestra, which greeted audience members as they entered through the rotunda, and Frye accompanied “Laudate Jehovam, omnes gentes” as well as “Across the Vast Eternal Sky.”
“After seeing Gala last year, I expect it to be a rewarding experience being a part of it,” Shaw said “ It is the most effective and efficient fundraiser that I have seen for a music program, and it is done with great musicality.”
Both faculty members are impressed not only with the showcase and fundraising aspect of the show, but also how well it encompasses the program.
“The amount of community, faculty and administrative support for this event is incredible,” Frye said. “This event allows so many students to be featured in so many uniquely different ways, showing the faculty and audience members how truly versatile each and every student at LHS can be.”
Although Gala is the music program’s largest production, students and staff still have the rest of the year to look forward to.
“Gala is a success because of the amazing people involved,” Frye said. “I’m so happy I get to work with these people day in and day out.”