10 Youtube Channels to catch up on this summer

May 22, 2014
Although we are all excited to finally be done school, it is important to keep your brain active and learn new things. HOWEVER this does NOT mean learning new things has to be boring. Below I have compiled my top ten YouTube channels and videos that are funny, interesting and engaging as well as, god forbid, Informative. Enjoy.
10. Crash Course
Crash Course is a fun and engaging way to learn about History, Psychology, Chemistry and more! however the videos are generally very long and put more of emphasis on the subject mater rather than entertainment value.
9. IFLScience
IFLScience, is a great way to stay upt to date on recent developments in science. its fun and interesting and comes out once a week, but as with the previous channel, puts its emphasis on the content.
8. BuzzFeedVideo
BuzzFeedVideo primarily makes videos that are funny and engaging. However they are very informative and great to watch!
7. VlogBrothers
The vlog brothers discuss various issues from all across the board. Giving great incite to many topics as well as keeping you entertained with random jokes and facts.
Zefrank1 makes the best informative animal videos this side of National Geographic. He combines c0medy and facts of various creatures for a well spent 4-6 minutes.
5. DNews
This channel explores questions and facts that we have all wondered about! althopugh the clips are short and sweat, they are fun and very informative.
4. CGP Grey
For some of the best countdowns this side of watchmojo check out CGP Grey, revealing historical and other facts told in some of the most entertaining ways.
3. BrainStuff
BrainStuff has everything you wanted to know… and then some. Answering all kinds of questions from how silencers work to what a Bitcoin is.
2. AsapScience
Asap Science also answers questions from views in a fun way, but they do it with white board animations. Asap Science also goes a little more deeply into the subjects, such as explaining how you could possible be able to watch your own dreams in the future. (check it out its freaky)
1. TED-Ed
Ted-Ed is my personal favorite because it tackles the most difficult to comprehend subjects. (watch the video and you will know what I mean.) the videos range from interpreting the 4th dimension to explaining why you actually don’t want to be a super hero. The videos are incredibly enlightening and addicting to watch.
Honorable Mentions
BBC Earth
History Channel