ACT Tips and Tricks

Teacher gives hints for the upcoming test

By Sofia Rommel

The ACT is a big deal for many juniors and seniors that are going to college. Many students don’t know how to prepare before the test. With the next test coming up tomorrow, Feb. 6, teacher Jason Lichte gives advice on taking the test.

“When you are preparing for any test or when you have any major event, it’s important to do things that you have been told since you were little,” Lichte said, who owns a private business to prepare students for the ACT.

Lichte suggests having a full night of sleep a few days before taking the test. On the morning of the test, do not make any changes to your normal routine.

“Treat the morning of the test like you would any school day,” Lichte said. “Get up the same time as you normally would get up and actually fix your hair and care what you look like. It’s an important day so you should treat it like an important day.”  

During the ACT, your brain works for hours without a long break. An important part of preparing for a big test is getting enough energy before the test.

“Eat protein on the morning of the test,” Lichte said. “Drink plenty of water and be well hydrated. When you are thinking really hard for three and a half hours, your body is using a lot of energy so you have to fuel your body by eating in a healthy way, get enough sleep and hydrate.”

Since this test is an important part of getting into college, studying is a necessity. Lichte suggests starting to study for the test about six weeks in advance by taking practice tests online or purchasing study books that usually cost about $30.

“Take as many practice exams as you can,” he said. “You don’t always have to take a full test when you decide to take a practice test; you can take just the part you want to practice.”

Focusing on strengths and being well prepared is going to help you achieve the highest score on this important test. There are many sections on the test and many subjects to study, but spending time on parts you are good at will be the best bet on improving your performance.

“Maximize your talents and focus on your strengths,” Lichte said. “Spend more time practicing what you are good at and become perfect at that. You are more likely to raise your score on something you are already good at and enjoy working on.”