A slight, cold drizzle during an early morning at school didn’t stop one club’s spirited guitar players, singers and worshippers.
Those people who gathered were members of Lawrence High School’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes. FCA members met for See You at the Pole on Sept. 22. Since See You at the Pole began in 1994, it has been a popular event for FCA.
See You at the Poll is an annual gathering for Christians to support the school and their beliefs with prayers, spiritual songs and a time to be together. FCA has about 40 members — a number that has stayed pretty consistent. The event is optional, however, about 30 people attended.
“I was praying for people to be less judgemental,” sophomore Kelsey Consolver said. “It was cool to see who would show up.”
Consolver said she hadn’t done See You at the Pole before because she is a sophomore but intends to return in the future.
Ellie Berland, a senior who is a member and leader of FCA, helped organize See You at the Pole. The other organizers included Seniors Chris Gaston, Emily Davidson, Stephen Bell and Marshall Bonham. During the most recent event, Berland prayed for the country’s leaders and the school.
“The things we’ve done throughout all the meetings have been similar,”she said.
Berland came out to show her dedication because she decided it was important for all Christians in the school to support one another. Since Berland will be graduating this year, she plans on coming back and helping with the group in the future. She said she was pleased with the good turnout.
FCA Club sponsor Jason Lichte said students who attended See You at the Pole didn’t experience any particular change from previous years besides the fact that they formed new relationships with others.
“It gives the students and athletes involved a chance to express their religious views to others. It also gives the students a chance to figure out other’s who have the same religious views,” Lichte said.