Helen Hawkins – Ballet and Jazz for 15 years
Would you ever join the school’s pom squad? “I’m not into competitive dance. I want people to come see me dance, not to judge me. It’s an art that should be enjoyed.”
How does dance affect your homework time? “I don’t like doing homework right after school, and my classes usually go late so I just stay up later finishing school stuff.”
What’s your favorite part about dance? “The feeling I get when I dance is indescribable.”
Mo Mason – Tae Kwon Do for 4 years
What do you do during practice? “We practice our forms and work a lot. We do a lot of practical application.”
If there were a Tae Kwon Do demo team at LHS, would you join? “Heck yeah!”
How does Tae Kwon Do affect your homework time? “I bring my homework there sometimes if I’m behind or have a lot, and my instructors even help me with my Pre-Calc when I need it.”
Ami Harvey – Competitive Cheer for 11 years
What are cheer competitions like? “Pretty much like the ones you see on ESPN. Busy, very loud, usually in a big arena, and tons of sparkles and hairspray.”
How does cheer affect your homework time? “Usually practice doesn’t get over till 8 or 8:30 so if I don’t have time to do it before 5 I have to do it after.”
What’s your favorite part about cheer? “Spending time with all my friends, we are all really just a family. Or the adrenaline rush you get performing in front of thousands of people.”
Dallas Conway – Rugby for 1 year
How often do you practice a week “I go to one, but we’re suppose to go to two.”
Does rugby affect your homework time “Yes, completely.”
What is your your favorite part about playing rugby? “Being able to say I play rugby.”