"Persepolis" by Aidan Rothrock and "The Call of the Wild" by Alexandra Simmons
Two students were recognized for their artistic interpretations of ban books in an annual competition run by the Lawrence Public Library.
Senior Alexandra Simmons won for her artwork for “Call of the Wild” by Jack London, and junior Aidan Rothrock won for his art for “Persepolis” by Marjane Satrapi.
When the school year began, LHS art students were given the opportunity to submit graphic designs for “Battle of the Banned Books.”
Out of the covers that won, the winners had their art made into a trading card.
Wendy Vertacnik’s advanced students had to research their banned book and create a new cover for their interpretation.
“I think it’s a really great way for us to talk about design and illustration, as well as to become more familiar with books,” Vertacnik said.
Simmons chose “Call of the Wild,” about a dog joining a sled team.
“I wanted to emphasize the aggressiveness and the wildness, and I wanted it to be kind of dark and dramatic,” Simmons said.
The library handed out one trading cards for each day of Banned Books week — seven in all.
“It was really surprising because I hadn’t exactly expected to win,” Rothrock said. “I mean we’d done this in the past, and I had done this in an art class in the past, and it was just sort of a fun project.”
Vertacnik said she was excited her students had done so well in a competition that also included entries from professionals.
“I”m really proud of my students,” she said.